Monday, September 29, 2014

Deep Thoughts


                    Deep Thoughts, Cheap Shots and Bonbons


To those who attended the "Ice Cream Social" - THANK YOU.


Next year in early spring we will be hosting a

"Pizza Fest" when flowers will be in bloom.


Political culture seems to be one of extremes, a pendulum affect if you will, whereby, you are either perceived as executing progressive efforts to improve and meet the needs of the community, or you're considered a non-progressive and treated as an outsider.


As a board member, should I reflect confidence in the plan for the narrowing of Main Street? Easier said than done. Board members should not ignore the voices of either the pro or con groups; this would be ill advised. The majority of Carsonites do not favor this action, a minority do. I believe both parties have valid points. How the Board will proceed is not in question. The street will be narrowed. At this juncture the best fiscal choice the Board can make is to maintain a strong safety net (reserve

funds) and control spending. Hopefully, private investment will follow.


There are reasons to worry about betting a huge amount of revenue (your tax dollars) on narrowing the street: the overall plan has risks. The high risk is that the Board presumes to know the best course of action to invigorate business in all of Carson City by narrowing main street and continues to do so, without giving the public an opportunity to vote on the plan.


Do not be misled about the Public Works projects within the downtown corridor. Regardless if the street is to be narrowed, these projects would be required due to their age. 


Just as the Affordable Care Act is mandated, by the vote of the Board (4 to 1), so will be this street narrowing venture. At risk, millions of taxpayers' money. Where will the bar of success be set for these downtown businesses? Who will bear the burden of maintenance once these changes are made - will it be the collective group of downtown property owners? Or, you the taxpayer?


How will medical marijuana affect our community? There most certainly will be an influx of individuals to our community, as surrounding counties have already opted out. There is plenty of reporting regarding medical marijuana, yet, considerably less on the impact the cultivation, suppliers and sales facilities will have on Carson City. Is this a big business? Based upon information available from other states, and within Nevada, the answer, likely, is yes. Nevertheless, Carson City will only require a minimal fee for licensing these facilities. Other communities will receive a percentage of revenue generated by their proprietors in addition to the license fee. The hyped financial prosperity hoped to be gained by narrowing Carson Street compared to this wasted opportunity to generate revenue from medical marijuana is seen by many as a reversal of fortune.


Recent actions by the Board that I completely find inexcusable and unacceptable:

1. The reduction in property tax, by two pennies ($0.02); so much has been lost. This could have funded the arts, health departments or built up our reserves. A property owner most likely will not see any saving.


2. How does the Board reduce property taxes and then create a new sales tax?


3. Calling to the podium an applicant who may provide medical marijuana if he is approved, and asking them if license fees were satisfactory to them.


4. Accepting a budget that only showed percentages not dollar amounts from a business organization that will receive taxpayers' money from the City's "rainy day" fund.


5. Before any Board member may have an agenda item listed, they must solicit and have the support from another Board member. Board members are now limited as to how they can represent their

constituents. This is not the American way.


At the last Board meeting I had inquired as to why commissions, committees, Airport Authority, V&T Railroad, Library and other such groups are holding meetings in various rooms where filming and telecasting of meetings are not possible. Nor are their agendas being posted on the City website along with ALL back-up material. We should be providing this service to the citizens of Carson City. Additionally, any and all Power Point presentations made by staff or by individuals making presentations to the Board must be submitted prior to the Board meeting. These, too, should be

available on the City website.


This November, you will have a voice on how Carson City will be governed. While you were not given the opportunity to vote for or against the downtown street narrowing  project, you will be able to vote for two Board members. I urge you to familiarize yourself with all candidates who are now on the Board and how they have voted on issues that impact you and your household. Read about or talk to all candidates challenging the incumbents and discover their views.

Please make time to Vote on November 4th


What is important to me? Persistence and consistency as an outspoken proponent of American values and representing you, the constituents, is foremost.


Please forward this to your family, friends and neighbors.


Waving Flag #1
God Bless America

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